SQL 2000 offers fairly poor management tools for Reporting Services and I had a situation where automatically generated subscriptions were piling up on a 2000 box to the point where they could not be deleted manually.
To run - create a console program (note - console program) in Visual Studio and put the following code in a module. You will probably need to set up a few dependencies in the references.
I don't know if anyone will have as specific requirements as this but it might be a help if you are looking at programming against the reporting services object model.
Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports RSManagement_Unsubscribe.ReportingServices
'Gerard Conlon 18 Sept 2008
'Program to delete all report subscriptions against a given ReportingServices report
'Written for compilition as a console application in Visual Studio
Module modRsManagement
Sub Main()
Dim strReportOwner As String
Dim strReportPath As String
Dim strParams() As String
Dim i As Integer
'the parameters are passed in the form of RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe "ReportPath|ReportOwner
'they are wrapped in double quotes and seperated by the pipe |
'ie called from the command line as
' RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe "/MyReportsDir/ReportName|MyServer\ASPNET"
'ReportPath - full report path from the top level directory and including the report name
'ReportOwner - usually the name of the server hosting reporting services and running under the ASPNET user ie MyServer\ASPNET"
'Get the passed parameters
If Len(Command()) > 0 Then
strParams = Split(Mid$(Command(), 2, Len(Command()) - 2), "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(strParams)
If i = 0 Then strReportPath = strParams(0)
If i = 1 Then strReportOwner = strParams(1)
Next i
End If
'check to see if parameters are passed and if not give descriptive error
If Trim(strReportPath) = "" Or Trim(strReportOwner) = "" Then
Console.WriteLine("The Report Path and The Report owner must be specifed as parameters")
Console.WriteLine("Parameters are seperated by the pipe char (|) and need to be in double quotes")
Console.WriteLine("Example: RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe " + """" + "/PrePostTimes/CMS Pretimes|AUS-DB1\ASPNET" + """")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.......")
Console.ReadLine() 'hold the screen open so message can be read
Console.WriteLine(fDeleteSubscriptions(strReportPath, strReportOwner))
End If
End Sub
Function fDeleteSubscriptions(ByVal sReport As String, ByVal sOwner As String) As String
Dim rs As New ReportingService
Dim subscriptions As Subscription() = Nothing
Dim schedules As Schedule() = Nothing
Dim i As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer
Console.WriteLine(" Searching for Subscriptions ..........")
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
rs.Timeout = 600000
fDeleteSubscriptions = "0"
cnt = 0
Console.WriteLine("Deleting Subscription ..........")
subscriptions = rs.ListSubscriptions(sReport, sOwner)
'loop through and delete the subscriptions
If subscriptions.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To subscriptions.GetLength(0) - 1
Console.WriteLine("Deleting " + subscriptions(i).Description)
cnt = cnt + 1
fDeleteSubscriptions = "Deleted " + CStr(cnt) + " Subscriptions"
fDeleteSubscriptions = "Nil (0) Subscriptions"
End If
Catch e As SoapException
fDeleteSubscriptions = fDeleteSubscriptions + (e.Detail.OuterXml)
End Try
End Function
End Module
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