Gerard's codebase

This is a personal repository of code snippets and information.

Over the years I have generated lots of little sub programs and stored away acres of useful code snippets. The problem is always to locate them.

Even more time wasting is forgetting how to do simple things when you havnt developed in an environment for a few years (or even a few months)

My new years resolution is to start putting them up in a common place as I produce them. (thanks google)

They are handy for me and, with a bit of a clean up and documentation, they might be handy for others if they wander in here.

Gerard 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

List objects in a SQL database

This base script for querying SQL Servers system tables is the sharpest tool in the shed.
I mainly use it as the best way to search for occurance of fields in tables but can be modified in a multitude of ways. The sysobjects.xtype field is the key and I have listed its values below
-- C : CHECK constraint
-- D : Default or DEFAULT constraint
-- F : FOREIGN KEY constraint
-- L : Log
-- P : Stored procedure
-- PK : PRIMARY KEY constraint (type is K)
-- RF : Replication filter stored procedure
-- S : System tables
-- TR : Triggers
-- U : User table
-- UQ : UNIQUE constraint (type is K)
-- V : Views
-- X : Extended stored procedure
-- TF : Functions
USE master -- only an example - run local to the database you are searching
SELECT AS TableName,
o.type AS ObjectType, AS FieldName, AS FieldType,
sysobjects AS o
INNER JOIN syscolumns AS c
ON =
INNER JOIN systypes AS s
ON c.xtype = s.xtype
--select all user tables
o.type = 'U'
--other example select all user tables containing the field SalesPersonId
--o.type = 'U' and = 'SalesPersonId'

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reporting Services - Exporting reports

I keep getting asked how to get a report off a report server. It is not very intuitive but here is a comppilition various email I have had to write.

Exporting the report
This describes how to export report server reports from one server to another and/or how to export the source code of existing reports
1. Go to the folder with the existing report you wish to export and click on the “Show Details” button.
2. Click on the Edit Properties for the report
3. Click on the Edit link under the Report Definition sub heading
4. Choose the Save option – this will export the report in rdl format

Import Directly of Extract and Build the code
At this point you can go to Reporting Services 2005 and import the rdl file directly or else you can rebuild the report in Visual Studio so that you will have access to the source for modifications.

Import Directly
1. Open SQL Server 2005 Management Studio
2. Choose Reporting Services as the server type and log onto the server you want to upload the report to
3. Move to the directory to import the file to
4. Right click -> Import file – choose the .rdl file exported previously
5. Set up appropriate data sources and permissions using the Report Manager Web interface
Extract and Build the Code
1. Open either:
a. SQL Server Business Intelligence Dev Studio (Programs->Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ->)
b. MS Visual Studio 2005 (Programs-> MS Visual Studio 2005 ->)
2. File->New->Project->Report Server Project
3. Name the project the same as the original

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tip Using SQL Profiler - run as log then load into a table

When running a trace on an Profiler it is more convenient to manipulate the data in a table but you incur lower overheads saving to a file.

The following tip is from the microsoft article

Run the trace as a file then import into a table
SELECT * INTO trace1108 FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('C:\MyTrace.trc', default)

Setting filters in SQL Profiler is a pain in the bottom - expect to get it wrong and have to fiddle with your settings. Often it is better just to run what you can, load it into a table and run a few deletes to get rid of records that are known not to be needed

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Script to Delete Reporting Services Subscriptions

I wrote this script to delete all subscriptions against a reporting services report.

SQL 2000 offers fairly poor management tools for Reporting Services and I had a situation where automatically generated subscriptions were piling up on a 2000 box to the point where they could not be deleted manually.

To run - create a console program (note - console program) in Visual Studio and put the following code in a module. You will probably need to set up a few dependencies in the references.

I don't know if anyone will have as specific requirements as this but it might be a help if you are looking at programming against the reporting services object model.

Imports System
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports RSManagement_Unsubscribe.ReportingServices

'Gerard Conlon 18 Sept 2008
'Program to delete all report subscriptions against a given ReportingServices report
'Written for compilition as a console application in Visual Studio

Module modRsManagement

Sub Main()
Dim strReportOwner As String
Dim strReportPath As String

Dim strParams() As String
Dim i As Integer

'the parameters are passed in the form of RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe "ReportPath|ReportOwner
'they are wrapped in double quotes and seperated by the pipe |
'ie called from the command line as
' RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe "/MyReportsDir/ReportName|MyServer\ASPNET"
'ReportPath - full report path from the top level directory and including the report name
'ReportOwner - usually the name of the server hosting reporting services and running under the ASPNET user ie MyServer\ASPNET"

'Get the passed parameters
If Len(Command()) > 0 Then
strParams = Split(Mid$(Command(), 2, Len(Command()) - 2), "|")
For i = 0 To UBound(strParams)
If i = 0 Then strReportPath = strParams(0)
If i = 1 Then strReportOwner = strParams(1)
Next i
End If

'check to see if parameters are passed and if not give descriptive error
If Trim(strReportPath) = "" Or Trim(strReportOwner) = "" Then
Console.WriteLine("The Report Path and The Report owner must be specifed as parameters")
Console.WriteLine("Parameters are seperated by the pipe char (|) and need to be in double quotes")
Console.WriteLine("Example: RSManagement_Unsubscribe.exe " + """" + "/PrePostTimes/CMS Pretimes|AUS-DB1\ASPNET" + """")
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.......")
Console.ReadLine() 'hold the screen open so message can be read

Console.WriteLine(fDeleteSubscriptions(strReportPath, strReportOwner))

End If

End Sub

Function fDeleteSubscriptions(ByVal sReport As String, ByVal sOwner As String) As String
Dim rs As New ReportingService
Dim subscriptions As Subscription() = Nothing
Dim schedules As Schedule() = Nothing
Dim i As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer

Console.WriteLine(" Searching for Subscriptions ..........")
rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
rs.Timeout = 600000
fDeleteSubscriptions = "0"
cnt = 0
Console.WriteLine("Deleting Subscription ..........")
subscriptions = rs.ListSubscriptions(sReport, sOwner)
'loop through and delete the subscriptions
If subscriptions.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To subscriptions.GetLength(0) - 1
Console.WriteLine("Deleting " + subscriptions(i).Description)

cnt = cnt + 1

fDeleteSubscriptions = "Deleted " + CStr(cnt) + " Subscriptions"
fDeleteSubscriptions = "Nil (0) Subscriptions"
End If

Catch e As SoapException
fDeleteSubscriptions = fDeleteSubscriptions + (e.Detail.OuterXml)
End Try
End Function
End Module